
Reading Barrel Fever and Other Stories, by David Sedaris. He has a twenty minute BART commute and makes sure he always has something to read. Of the books on his and his fiancée's communal book shelves, he's read all but five of about fifty...she's read all but fifteen--more of them were his to begin with and she still has to catch up.

They met each other on Match.com and one of the reasons he liked her profile was her choice of books. She had listed Freaks, by Annette Curtis Klause, and others by David Sedaris.

His favorite book of all time is Despair, by Nabokov, because it's witty and dark. A close runner up, Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse. He read it for the first time in high school and loved it.

No pictures today--I forgot to recharge my camera battery last night. The image above is what I pasted from my google image search, but, now that I'm looking at it again I can see that it's not even for a real book, but for an audio book. Oh well, the title's there anyway.