
Reading a 'zine his friend made a two of.

Recently he read Eden, Eden, Eden, by Pierre Guyotat, which is about a soldier in Algeria during the French occupation and The Melancholy of Resistance, a Hungarian novel published about ten years ago by László Krasznahorkai.

If he were to write his own book it'd be a catalog of local native plants. For instance, in Dolores Park, where this picture is taken, if you go near the muni tracks you might find wild radish or mustard. Around San Francisco, at the sides of the streets you also might find nastertium or miner's lettuce, which has a long, thin stalk and small, sattelite dish-like shaped leaves. Good things to make your friends salads with. He eats them with oil and vinnegar.

1 Comment:

Vonne Woodruffe said...

i wrote this book. there are only two copies. mine and joel's, and nobody else needs to know about it.