February 3, 2008 -- Sunday evening

Reading Is Art History Global?, edited by James Elkins, which she found out about in the magazine, Art in America. It begs the question of whether a Eurocentric perspective can be avoided when approaching art history on a global scale. It's deep.

Her favorite book of all time--The Windup Bird Chronicle, by Haruki Murakami. Why? For its dreaminess.

She just finished Dangerous Muse: The Life of Lady Caroline Blackwood, by Nancy Schoenberger. Caroline Blackwood had been married to prolific artists and writers and was considered to be a muse.

When she was a kid, at 8 or 9-years-old she read books that were castoffs from tourists--the only English books available to her. Jackie Collins, Sidney Sheldon, Danielle Steele. She lived in Indonesia, South Africa, Hawaii--her dad was a surfer. Her mom would read the books after she was done and be incredulous and she would laugh.

If she were to write her own book? Difficult question. It'd be fiction. Her art--she paints and does instillation-- is about counterfeit utopias and altering memory. Hence, her interest in her current book.

Next she plans on reading The Wretched of the Earth, by Frantz Fanon, an anticolonialist intellectual.

1 Comment:

Special K said...

Wow, that's no light reading! I know the author, he's a prof at my school (only class I ever dropped! o_O)