At Coffee Bar, before performing as a flautist in the production of The Tyrant, composed by Paul Dresher, at the theater across the street--Project Artaud Theater, which, he said, has these great windows backstage, like the ones on the cover of the book depicting Grand Central Station in New York. The windows in this picture, in the background, are just frames, exposing no daylight, but, instead, a large black and white photograph of a Muni bus resting yard a couple blocks away (but not the direction the wall is's a little disorienting!).Reading Winter's Tale, by Mark Helprin, an author he likes. He's also read Freddie and Frederica, about a fantasy trip Prince Charles and Princess Diana take across America. It's a great social commentary.
You wouldn't know it by reading these books, he said, that Mark Helprin was a speech writer for George Bush--the books are pretty liberal.
March 15, Saturday afternoon -- Reading Mark Helprin
Posted by Sonya Worthy at Saturday, March 15, 2008
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I'm in New York City, so I read on the way to and from work on the train. Sometimes, when there's no one in the store I work at, I'll take up a corner and read, and I'll also sometimes read at lunch. Sometimes I'll read when I get home (if I have energy).
Just noticed (or really saw the pattern) that you always pose a question at the end of your blog post.
Except for weekends, my reading always occurs in short spurts of time, grabbing every available minute in between chores and work. So a book may take about a couple of weeks to finish.
I'm planning on listening to audio books, capitalizing on the commute (about 30 min each way) to work. Have you ever tried that? Or maybe it makes more sense to take public transport in Frisco which then makes listening to audio books redundant?
This is a fantastic idea for a blog, Sonya. I read between 11.30 pm and 2.00 am. Fortunately for me, I'm retired so I don't have to wake early in the morning to go to work any more. I've always read before sleep though, when the house and the animals are quiet and everyone else is sleeping. That way I am not interrupted when I get to that last page and need to speed read to the end!
On some days, I read in the mornings. On other days, I read in the evenings after school. My favorite time of day to read is in the evening - reading helps me to relax after a long day.
I don't find the time as much as I would like. Sometimes I can manage it on the bus without getting sick. Otherwise it's in between work and class.
When do you find time to read and to snap all this photos and actually have conversations with people?
Hi Kat,
Ha! I do wish I had more time to read. I read on BART on my way to and from work (except for when I'm interviewing someone for the blog), and in the evenings, when I'm not writing, or have the itch to go out, I read, too. When I was in high school I used to stay up all night reading, if I was into the book, but now that I'm OLD, I just can't do it anymore. I'll pull all nighters to write, because I know the ideas might not be that later, but the wonderful thing about a book is that it WILL be there and it's very exciting to have it waiting for you.
Right now, I've just come home for dancing and I'm wide awake, so I'll probably write for half an hour and then re-read parts of Air Guitar, by Dave Hickey, to get ready for my book group discussion tomorrow afternoon.
Thanks for your comments!
I try to dedicate my days off work to reading. That way I can really become absorbed in the story and characters. I just finished "Leave Her to Heaven" (by Ben Ames Williams) today. It took me two years to finish it.
I know that's a very long time, but that's the great thing about books, they don't spoil or get rotten with time; they only get better, like wine.
Mornings, in the train, in the afternoon, evenings, while cooking, cleaning, or even riding a bike (that was once...)on the toilet, pretty much anytime, anyplace!!
My reading is vey much occupied by how i feel so i will read in the morning or in the afternoon or when ever i am compelled to.I LOVE your blog very invested and effort poured.Check out mine its under construction and i hope you will like it leave a comment if you wish.
Hi...stumbled on your blog from Blogger. Great stuff here!
When do I read? On my morning commute to work (it's 20 min cab ride), on my way home (it's a 1 hr trip by bus), while waiting for anything (there's always a book in my bag), at lunch, at home before bed... :-))
Hello from Singapore...I'll be back!
As my Russian/French language teacher used to say:
'B's and B's, son!'
He meant 'Buses and Bogs (slang for bathroom)'. As a literature student, I have to read a lot in general, but my leisure reading usually only happens in a B/B situation.
Fantastic blog, by the way!
We've just had our first daughter so time is at a bit of a premium, but i still get to read in the time differential between Anouchka and my evening bathroom slots. I don't know what she does in there once I've cleaned my teeth but it seems to afford me a window to grab a book. Saturday morning before the women of the house wake up offers some peace and quiet. Busses and the tube (subway for you lot on that side of the Atlantic) tend to be reserved for trying to keep up with the magazines, periodicals, research etc that my "eyes too big for belly" have ordered.
I read at night when my son dozes off..the house is silent and so is the city..a perfect time to gather your senses and just immerse yourself.
Also , when I am 'slow-cooking ' a curry in the kitchen and have to mark my time near the flame, I read...
Hi... visiting ur blog for the first time... Quite popular, i can see... Mine too is a similar one...
and i read whenever i dont have any assignments to show the next day in college....
I'm constantly reading because I'm majoring in english. We have to read about a book a week. Its crazy! But I love it.
I love following this blog... and Mark Helprin wrote one of my favorite books.... "Soldier of the Great War" I have never met anybody (except my husband) who has read it.
I listen to books on tape during the day while I am quilting and sometimes read a book in the evenings since there is hardly anything worthwhile on the TV.
I mainly read right before going to bed at night. I also try and find time to read during my lunch break while I'm eating, although sometimes the lunchroom gets a little noisy, but when reading my mind usually shifts to the world of the book rather than the world i'm living in at the moment.
Hi! I know this isn't exactly a comment, but type in Yummy Mummy's Guide to Everything (if there's a search somewhere) and go on and read my first blog!
Also, please do comment on it and ask a deep and meaningful question about anything.
I write one article a day so visit it as much as you can,
Love from Yummy Mummy
Im glad to see so many people make time to read. You all should check out hes a poet and his books make for an excellent read. They even have a promotion on at the moment where you can grab a signed copy.
Oh and most of my reading takes place in the evenings. :-)
I love your blog! I live in Calgary, canada and I take the train to work. I read during that time, makes the commute go by quicker. My favorite time to read is before bed when the house is quiet and I can sink into my pillows and cozy blankets.
I look forward to peeking in on your blog more often!
I just finished reading a book called River God by Wilbur Smith. To be honest, I read to procrastinate....I have a lot of school work to do and when things are due thats when I pick up a random book and read.
I usually read at night . . . once everyone goes to bed, finally! Or, if I wake up early enough, I'll read in the morning, but that has to be pretty early.
I love to read at night, when the family has settled in doing their own thing, watching t.v., surfing the net, homework, etc, etc. I like to sneak away into my room and close the door, with my book in hand, I retreat to my private sanctuary. Eventually someone comes and finds me, checking in on me, but I can usually get a good 30-45 minutes of quality reading before that happens!
I have severe motion sickness, so I can't read on the bus, train, etc.
I always read when I'm eating. In fact, I get nervous if I'm not reading anything, I need to focus on something. This being said, people think I'm rude. Currently I'm reading 'The Book Thief'. :)
i have been reading ALL day! when will i find time to do my laundry?!
just stumbled upon your blog. i love it, keep up the great work!
Just found your blog and since I am an avid reader & have been all my life, I am delighted that there are so many others out there who still read. I always have at least one book - sometimes two - going, and the minute I finish one, I start another. Rather compulsive of me I know, but it's just what I do. I belong to a book club which does a book a month. This month it was Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen. Mysteries are my favorite reads, but I try not to limit myself to only one gemre. I read at night, during the afternoon - whenever! So glad to find your blog - I'll be checking back.
I usually read at night just before sleep. But I am finding that I am getting more reading done in between TV commercials! There are so many and so many loud ones it takes the pleasure out of TV viewing often. So I read and often I forget to switch off the mute button and just keep reading. Just finished the Bob & Lee Woodward book and a great Harlan Corban book. Moving on to another Jodi Piccault.
I read in the bathroom, when I'm supposed to be getting ready....for work, for bed, whatever.
I used to be an avid reader devouring 2 books a week on average. Since getting addicted to the internet, I can no longer pay attention long enough to finish a chapter let alone a whole book(unless it's a very short book!) I do read segments of self-help and inspirational books and, being very visual, look at a lot of art and decor books and magazines.
I read in the evenings before bed...I usually take a book into the bath and read while I soak.
But I keep a book with me at all times. One in the car, one in my purse, etc.
Over the week-end, I read the third in a series of cozies by Cleo Coyle. Before that, I read A Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeier and Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs.
another at-night reader, plus i work in a couple hours on saturday mornings. incidentally, winter's tale is one of my favoritest books ever. such beautiful prose.
also like the new questions at the end of posts!
i read when i'm nursing my son. i love nursing for multiple reasons, not the least of which is my reading time. if/when he ever gets weaned, i'll have to figure something else out!
p.s. your blog is fantastic.
Thanks for the input!
Alexis, I bet your son will grow up to be a big reader!
Mike, I am still hearing 'Bs and Bs my son' ringing through my head...over a day after reading your comment.
When in your day do you find time to read?
At the end of the day, usually. Our headboard's a bookshelf. =)
Mostly, I find time to read on the bus. Or at night before I go to sleep if I'm not too tired.
during "lunch."
when i lived in d.c. i'd read on the train, in and out during the commute.
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