May 19, Monday evening -- Reading Ekhart Tolle

At Cafe Venice, the heart of the Mission District, as described by her friend, Angel--a guy wearing about three layers of San Francisco Giants gear--who stopped by while we were talking. He told us how he met a long lost cousin there....he and this other guy had started talking and they realized they had the same last name and are from the same region in Mexico. They put it all together.

Reading A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, by Ekhart Tolle. I photographed her a few months ago in this same window and she took me on a tour of the murals she's painted in the Mission! The one she's working on right now, if you want to check it out, is at Capp and 24th Street.

Are you or someone you know reading anything by Ekhart Tolle?


SCP said...

Just got The Power of Now myself. Haven't started reading it.

Roxanne said...

I read this one (featured on your blog) and didn't like it. It's better to just go to the original sources of his words - Pema Chodron, Dalai Lama ... (but just my opinion!!) ... or for elementary school level - Stillwater the Panda!

Derek Elwell said...

I've actually started reading 'A New Earth', I'm on page 56. Pretty good so far.