June 17, Tuesday evening -- Reading Edward Lucie - Smith

Enjoying a warm (almost) summer evening in Dolores Park, dodging a tennis ball thrown by a two-year-old whose mother yelled, "stop that!" Her words had no sway. The two-year-old returned with a stick twice his size, wielding it in a way that would suggest exposure to dueling knights.

Reading Movements in art since 1945: Issues and concepts, by Edward Lucie - Smith. He got it off of his sister's bookshelf. He has only just begun but has, so far, been mulling over classification. Classification of art must take into consideration socialization, that is, the progenitor and the followers of a style. Also worthy of consideration is how art makes you feel; grouping together, for instance, feminist painters.

What did he read as a child? Nothing came to mind. He was raised on TV and because his parents did not have cable, his selection was highly curtailed. He watched The Golden Girls and MASH. He was not a bookish child.

Now, he reads nonfiction for its terminology. He likes to keep in touch with language. For the past nine months he's been writing his own book, which is about psychology and is interwoven with anecdotes couched in language he hopes is stylistically interesting. It should take, he expects, another two years to complete, if he holds himself to producing something that has the power to last.

How do you think it's most useful to classify art?