January 7, Wednesday night -- Reading a Chinese Math Textbook

On 16th Street in the Mission District, across from Delirium, where the Valencia Street Punk Rocker (our neighborhood's constant street musician) was serenading everyone with his black and white checkered guitar
Making sense of the algebra equations JustMeet, published by Lectus, that a lady put out on the street a couple blocks up.

In the middle -- If he were to write a book, it'd be a Western, with gunslingers. He's read all of Louis L'Amour's books. He also likes Stephen King's books, like The Gunslinger.

On the right -- He likes the Bible. The, as he put it for emphasis, the B-I-B-L-E. And, encyclopedias.

On the left -- he's a fan of Lawrence Sanders, an author who writes books about rich people. His own book would be about his travels. He's been in the military and has lived in Germany and Korea. He's been a platoon leader, with thirty-five people to take care of. It's hard, he said, to decide what to do when people get sick and all. He's also managed at the Salvation Army at 26th and Valencia, just down the street. He's a guitar and bass player and once gave a guy playing the guitar on the street five bucks to borrow his guitar and, once he started playing, folks were putting all sorts of money in the hat. His book would be about living - all of that.