June 9, Tuesday afternoon -- Reading Milan Kundera

In the Financial District at lunchtime - book vs. nap
Reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being, by Milan Kundera --she'd been the only one at a party one night who hadn't read it, so she figured she should! It's great, she said, She's almost done in three sittings. This is the first book she remembers reading in the passive first person voice. The narrator, even though he has created his characters, is not really sure why they act the way they do.

Other good books she's read recently -- Amulet, by Roberto Bolaño and The Informers, by Bret Easton Ellis.

When she was a child her parents had a huge library. She would take books from it and pretend to read them....books that were much too complicated. And then she'd read her Shel Silverstein books instead.

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Anonymous said...

All the best for your future........................

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