June 17, Friday afternoon -- Menton, France -- Reading Raphaël Confiant

On the shore of the Mediterranean
Reading L'Allée des Soupirs, a novel by the French novelist, Raphaël CONFIANT.

Some of her favorite books and authors are the French author, Alexandre JARDIN, who wrote Des Gens Très Biens (Very Nice People); the Belgian author, Amélie NOTHOMB, who wrote Stupeur et Tremblement (Fear and Trembling); the American author, Marilyn FRENCH, who wrote Le Père (Our Father) and Toilette Pour Femme (Women's Room); and the French author, Benoîte GROULT who wrote La Touche étoile (Key Star - not sure about this translation).

The capital letters are her own, when she wrote the names into my notebook. I believe this is, in an International world, intended to signify surname when it otherwise might not be obvious -- some cultures write surnames before given names.)

If she were to write her own book, it would be about the lives of peasants and the work of the land.