August 7, 2014, Thursday evening -- Reading Richard Russo

Waiting at the metro exit at the Place de la République in the 10th Arrondissement (in Paris, where I was on vacation -- I'm back in San Francisco now)
She is reading Mohawk, by Richard Russo.  Her favorite book, which she wrote down on a corner of my Paris map, is Ne tirez pas sur l'oiseau moqueur.  She couldn't remember the author and I said I'd try to find it on line.  The English title, which I looked up on line after getting home, is To Kill a Mocking Bird, by Harper Lee.  If my French was any better I guess I could have figured that out.  It was a very short conversation because just as I was approaching her, the person she was waiting for was also approaching her (he was kind enough to let me talk to her first) and right after she wrote the title of her favorite book for me, the person I was waiting for arrived.