At the Trinidad-to-Tobago Ferry terminal
Reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth, by Jeff Kinney. This is a book series that is really popular among kids in the United States. And, sure enough, this kid is an American, and is just in Trinidad and Tobago visiting for his aunt's wedding.

His favorite book is this one. "What?" I asked. "How do you know when you haven't finished yet?" He said he knew because this is his second time reading it and he was
really reading it. He stopped reading for only a moment the whole time I was in the ferry terminal, which was about thirty minutes (and I rarely ever see people reading for that long in public places) to devour a granola bar like it was the first food he'd eaten in a week. Before approaching him I thought it was wise to ask his brother if it was okay to talk to him, because he was so intent.
If he were to write his own book, it would be a sequel to this book. There will
be a sequel to the book -- it's a series after all -- but he's impatient that it hasn't come out yet.
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