
At a Buy Nothing Day party, it may have been the effect of too many leftovers....

There evolved a party game consisting of a lineup of books, which were read to participants who tried to guess the titles (note: picture is misleading--listeners wore the bags, not the reader).

lineup includes:
The Vertical Man, by Matthew D. Dalton
The Secret Treachery of Words, Feminism and Modernism in America, by Elizabeth Francis
A Closed Eye, by Anita Brookner
Your Erroneous Zones, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai
Rachel's Brain and Other Storms, by Rachel Rosenthal
Sinner's Paradise, by Scott Lettieri
Behind the Scenes at the Museum, by Kate Atkinson

The hardest to identify--Dr. Wayne Dyer's Your Erroneous Zones

(or, rather, his--check out that moustache!)