
Late afternoon at the Revolution Cafe, gearing up for New Years Eve

and reading The Grand Tango, the Life and Music of Astor Piazzolla, by Maria Susana Azzi and Simon Collier. She has taken tango classes at the Revolution cafe (they used to have them on Sunday nights). This is the first book she's read for pleasure in a long time. She's in a fashion design program and has been reading mostly things for her courses, which she says are great. She told me about how Africa is becoming a good place for organic, free-trade textile development and providing workers good wages and, in some places, child care (let me know if I didn't get that right); whereas in Asia, the standards have already been set, in Africa, where the industry is just beginning to develop, it's easier to uphold higher standards.

Her favorite book of all time--Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, for it's visual, colorful imagery that has always stayed with her.