At Big Mouth Burger, exactly one year ago, to the day, I met a wonderful person (and enthusiastic reader...she had just checked out ten books at the library) while interviewing people for my blog. During the interview, and after, as we uncovered common ground, we became friends.
Well, history repeats itself:In commemoration of a very important one-year friendiversary, reading, as on 2/28/2007, The No-Nonsense Guide to World History, by Chris Brazler.
Cheers to books and burgers and friendship.We have been confused as twins, which I take as a very nice compliment, and a very nice addition to the family. I now have TWO twins--one biological and one officiously adopted--who BOTH read a lot more than me.
Beware. If you are a reader, and live anywhere near the Mission District, you are not safe: there are triplets roaming around, racking up library fines, and one of them might try to take your picture. The other two will, likely, be reading themselves.
February 28, Thursday evening -- Reading Chris Brazler
Posted by Sonya Worthy at Thursday, February 28, 2008
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great blog wonderful idea
Stumbled here from the main blogger page, and I absolutely love your blog concept! I love learning about people through what they are reading. Wish I lived in San Francisco so I could run into you too!
loveee this blog
I'm brazilian,
but like so much your blog
i'ts verry original
Fun blog!
Fantastic little story, thanks :-) It is amazing how and where you can make friends. Good luck with the blog!
Just found you through Blogs of Note. I absolutely LOVE the concept of this blog - you're brilliant! I've often sat on the bus, looking at the people reading and thinking it would be cool to do an informal survey, just to see what's being read. I thought it would be quite fascinating, but I never had the guts to just go up and ask.
Now, I can live vicariously through you - and get book suggestions as a bonus. Thanks for having the guts to ask...
An Ottawa reader (where it's much too cold to be reading outside this time of year! :-))
great idea, it's very interesting to read about what other people are reading, my girlfriend and I are currently reading State of the Union by Douglas Kennedy and we will review it shortly in our blog.
Your blog is fascinating! Social commentary, book reviews, and book suggestions all in one. I've always been one who picks up reading friends wherever I go, but I currently live in Ecuador where not a lot of public reading takes place. Your blog is giving me a much needed book chat fix!
Slick blog.
commendable work
do continue with your writing
all supports from me........
I really must
I love you blog!
That blog is really fun to read, especially for someone as obsessed with books as I am... I learned to read while walking when I was twelve, when I couldn't be bothered to lay off "Jane Eyre". Great to know there are others who do the same out there :)
I'm a middle school teacher who, whenever I see a student reading out in the world, wants to go over and talk and ask if the book is any good. Of course, I stare long enough, or I think I do, that I begin to worry someone might think I have terrible motives.
If only I had a camera and your blog idea, perhaps I could then do it!
Do you ever ask students who are reading? Thanks for a picker upper on a Friday afternoon!
I'm reading the Piano Tuner, a book about Burma that shows me just how much I don't know about world history.
I get my books from the Ithaca Salvation Army store, a great place to buy used books.
Good blog idea Sonya! Congratulations!
La La La Love your Blog!
great idea for a blog. Keep up the good work.
Very interesting.. blog...
please visit
Hi there! I love your blog - what a brilliant idea!
Great concept, lovely blog, congratulations! I posted a link on my blogs (one in Portuguese, the other I use with my EFL students).
Good luck!
Mônica, in Brazil
Crônicas Urbanas
Project Platypus
This week: "Curating Subjects"
For two months previous, I've been on a Pulitzer Prize winners kick: The Road by Cormac McCarthy, Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides, Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt.
Cool blog!
yeap, interesting blog idea.the pics are extremely cool!!!!!!!!!!i love reading.i guess i m another twin from far :)
very interesting!!'s time to change the world......glad you could join us.
Your blog is interesting. How long have you been doing it? How many readers to you have daily? How much time do you spend doing it? Do you plan to make money from it some way? Any problems with your free blog on Blogspot?
I have a new blog called The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide at
I've been blogging for a month. I'm a journalist, so it's been interesting so learn how blogging is different from reporting.
People reading restores my faith in humanity.
Or at least brightens my dim view of it.
The blog is very interesting, congratulations Sonya.
A wonderful blog! keep on reading!
PS I live in SF 2!
Love your blog! I'm a native New Yorker living in San Diego. I just finished Sara Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, Love." Recent: Several from S.L. Viehl's Stardoc series; Richard K. Morgan's "Altered Carbon"; in the middle of Rani Manicka's "Rice Mother."
At coffee houses, I'm as likely to recommend as a book.
Reading takes us everywhere.
i love the concept. brilliant. i hope you keep it going. i'll be back for more.
Great Blog idea! Ilove reading currently for personal interest I am reading the Dark Tower series by Stephen King and for business I am reading the One Minute Manager series by Ken Blanchard. Keep up the great blog.
Billy Blogger
P.S - please visit my blog it isn't anything special just my thought. www.thiscouldbeanyblogintheworld
I am absolutely astounded by the sites author, the idea is thoughtful and brilliant, you are reaching people in many ways and showing that any and all intelligence still remains strong in our hearts and books are ingenious.
Just came here through Blogs of Note! What a cool idea, I'm going to be back.
You make me miss san fran..I moved to the South three months ago. Yet, the hills roll inside my chest, and yes, in this warm region I am reading and loving what I read. Nice blog.
i can't believe your blog has only been famous for a few days! i absolutely love your concept, it's really original. a great way to learn about people is by finding out what books they read. this makes me want to do a kansas city version!
Hey! So, I see you're an enthusiast for reading, as well as a twin! I'm currently in the middle of the book, "I Know This Much is True." It's about the relationship between twin brothers; however, one is schitzophrenic. It's told in the eyes of a 40-some-year old guy named, Dominick and how he deals with all his emotions and such, I guess. I love the lay out of the book...It's mostly told in their adulthood time frame, but he'll make many references to their childhood and the hardships they went through together as twins. It's a long book, but definitely worth-while! I would check it out!=)
The subject of your blog is quite common....But the way you present it is rather different
One of the best 'blogs of note' I've seen. And a little taste of San Fran to boot.
What an interesting idea for a blog. You must be passionate about books, because keeping up with photographs and interviews is no simple task.
This ih the only blog I like it
wonderful job
Thank you for all of your comments and encouragement--it's NICE to be a blog of note. I look forward to checking out your blogs.
Awesome idea and great photos!
Saw your blog via "blogs of note" and have to say, the commendation is well deserved. I added a post to my own blog about what my family is reding - gave you the credit and a link - hope you don't mind.
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