At 7:50AM at Cafe Venice, just a few steps from the 24th Street BART station, having breakfast with his mom and dad.Reading Sponge Bob Squarepants, Friends Forever--one of those Tokyopop, Cine-Manga Nickelodeon books. His parents said he reads these books ALL the time. This one he got at a bookstore on San Bruno Avenue.
How is Sponge Bob Squarepants?
Really good.
His favorite books? Dragon Ball Z, from the Japanese animated series.
His mom and dad said they read a lot, too. What, I'm not sure. The coffee shop was noisy and I was already on track to be 15 minutes late for work. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't been so good about trying to be less late. When I arrived no one on my team was even at their desks! --They were all at a meeting I don't have to attend. Ay! Next time more answers, less worries.
February 29, Friday morning -- Reading Sponge Bob Squarepants!
Posted by Sonya Worthy at Saturday, March 01, 2008
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hi..your blog looks rather interesting.. I m from Malaysia, likes to blog too daily... hope to share with u...
Nice blog, very interesting.. kind of captures how diverse people are...
I've just started my own blog and was browsing through others' for inspiration and found your very interesting page. I love reading. I don't know where I would be without books and it's so nice to see other people enjoying them. Sometimes, with all the technological advances and emphasis on TV and the internet, I wonder whether people are still able to sit down and lose themselves in a good book. It is a great comfort to see that the art of reading is still alive!
Would love to hear more about your thoughts. I live in South Australia and am studying journalism. My new blog is partly to credit that -
Cafe Venice is full of village smell, it give us another style, when compared with Starbucks Coffee or Pacific Coffee
Like Hannah Chipperfield, I too just started my own blog. I love to read, although I go through spurts on when I read and when I don't. The last book I read was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Right now, I'm acutally working on reading the Bible. I take a train to work every day, so I have the time to myself. I always glance around to see what others are reading, and at times I am surprised.
Keep up the good work!
hi there! very nice blog and thanks for featuring reading. i am a reader too! with a book or newspaper with me all the time! i think we should read more! keep up the good work!
What a great idea for a blog!
Hi.. interesting.. im from th Philippines, likes blogging but unfortunately i just started out. hope for you to visit me... tnx...
thinks,nice blog
watch top 10 movie online :
What a great blog! I do admire your nerve in confronting strangers with your camera. I'd chicken out.
Congratulations on making the Blogs of Note list.
I'll be back ....
Came to your blog through blogs of note. Lovely idea and nice to see people reading. Gives me a warm feeling! Thanks
This is such a great blog idea! I hope you continue to have fun connecting with people as you roam the city and take photos! You can visit my brand new blog (a combined effort) at
Books rule! Reading rules! What a great idea for a blog! I wish I had thought of it myself. I might have to borrow your idea for a week or a month or so and see what people are reading here in my part of the world. I still read quite a bit, although not as much as I used to. I still have the same compulsion to continually buy books, though, which makes for stacks and piles of books everywhere - which isn't necessarily a bad thing!
I didn't mean to be anonymous...the comment above is mine.....
Hi Melissa,
If you do that, I'll link to you on the side. It'd be fun to know what people are reading in other places!
Sonya. Like some of the others leaving you comments, I found you through blogs of note. I'm an avid reader myself. It makes my heart soar to see that reading is not a dying practice. I know it doesn't look like it on the surface but we read less and less everyday and even when we do read, our fare is of the light kind most times. There's nothing with that but there should be a balance. What a wonderful blog you have. I'll keep reading.
Wow, fascinating!
This is what happens when I browse through the notable blogs list - I get this!
Very nifty, I think I'll keep my eyes on this one! It's nice to know that people are still reading! I'm not alone!
I just started reading, Eat Pray Love by: Elizabeth Gilbert. I'm 35 pages in and hooked. I even did a post on my blog earlier about the book and my point of views on her point of views.
Your blog has captured my interest!
I love the idea behind your blog...with technology coming up so quickly on all us and as americans we have a rushed type lifestyle so who thought there was still time for a good book...well the people you found think there's always time!! I love it...
Your blog is interesting...FRom recently I'm really reading books. Actually I'm reading Goethe's book.
Great blog, so I've added it to my list. It's not a surprise you made the blogs of note. Keep it up!
Keep up the good work! I'm from the UK and I'd be too reserved to speak to strangers about books they are reading ... I love reading, though, and I also loved your photos of the US, a place I've never visited but heard so much about.
awesome work
keep going
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Hey great stuff
keep going...
Learn presentation skills for free
I LOVE this blog. What a noble quest you are on. I'm so glad that you aren't in NYC. I love love love to read but if you bumped into me on the subway platform right now I'd be reading 100 Questions a First Time Home Buyer Should Ask.
Awesome Blog! ;)
Mine is
Have you ever caught someone reading War and Peace?
If so, I'd like to buy that person a coffee.
I love reading books and I do it everyday! I have many of them in my room. Some books I bought and some I got from my mother (who is a bookworm herself.)
I enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks for your writings :-)
cool blog! it kept me reading for almost half an hour! :P
my cousins read some of those books! you have a unique and interesting blog! :P
Muy interesante.
Por qué todos los blogs importantes que figuran auí son en inglés?
I love your blog! Reading is my greatest pleasure and I love seeing others read. The school board in my county in NC is trying to ban the Kite Runner from its schools. Check out this article in our local newspaper:
Notice what one school board member had to say about San Francisco when told the book had won an award from the San Francisco Chronicle:
“That in itself tells you it must be a pretty wacko book because that’s a pretty wacko center of the universe”
Please, booklovers, check out (local paper) and write a letter supporting out students' rights to read and/or go to and get the email addresses for our board of education members. Let them know that our children deserve good books and that San Francisco is a beautiful city with beautiful people.
Wow this is so cool.
its always so good to know that people actually read.
I love the idea you have here. Great job. I hope you dont mind, but im going to add you to my list of blogs to keep up with!
I blog, also, about the books I have read, approximately a book a day. I think we'd get along pretty well, though I live on the east coast.
Hello. I like the whole idea of this blog. Why didn´t I think of it myself? Living in Sweden I suppose we´re not likely to meet in the streets of San Fransico, but I can tell you anyway what books I´m reading right now. It´s a collection of short stories named "A calender of love" by George Mackay Brown, the bard from the Orkney Islands. I also read his biography, "G M Brown - The Life", written by Maggie Fergusson. Good old G M Brown really had a special way with words.
Incredible blog. Truly incredible, and it gives me hope as an aspiring author of novels that there's an audience out there for me.
as an English teach I say BRAVO!!! what a wonderful idea for a blog...
Great blog, i love reading but never read something quite so interesting about books.
if you need a dog walker
I love the idea of your reading blog! I am a new blogger but am loving the second day. I am a teacher and have loved reading since the age of four. nothing inspires me more than a great book. My middle school students are nearly diverse as the people in your blog. I have everything from nonfiction WWII readers to fantasy picture books. I do have a question...did you ask the people that you photographed for their permission before you shot? Or did you say anything to them? Just curious.
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