June 24, Tuesday evening -- Reading Hew Strachan

On the kind of summer night where gloves trump air conditioning... I was out for a walk and didn't expect to see many people reading outside because the weather was a little brisk, but, and I don't know if the weather warmed up--I took my own gloves off and on through the course of about an hour from when I left the house and got back home--there were 6 people reading books in the open air throughout Noe Valley, the Castro, and the Mission.

Waiting for bus 48 and reading The First World War, by Hew Strachan.

Her favorite book of all time--God's Fifth Column: A Biography of the Age: 1890-1940, by William Gerhardie.

What do you know about the age of 1890-1940? And, how do you know what you know? --First hand? Second hand? Read about it? Saw a movie?