He’s a statistics professor and works with the California Department of Corrections, looking at statistics in order to get people off parole with the least amount of risk to the public.
A favorite book--A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, by Betty Smith.
People reading books
Posted by Sonya Worthy at Sunday, July 13, 2008
After interviewing over 1,200 readers, I've discovered the beauty and rarity of a given book being read at a given time, instead of, say, packed away in a box somewhere. I've also discovered that I've not only been chronicling the popularity of books, but also the diversity of individuals. What goes on inside our minds is evidenced by and influenced by what we are reading, have read, and the inner dialogs we have with authors.
Stats aren't my way of life, but A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is, and I love that he listed that as his favorite. I wonder if he's seen the black and white movie?
I once tried to show it to my kids who hadn't read the book, too much for most in my school at 8th grade, and they hated it.
The close-up photo is great with the reader's hand next to the hand on the cover. Nice shot!
I love A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and am impressed with anyone who'd think of that as their #1.
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