July 14, Monday evening -- Reading William Faulkner

Walking slowly towards the Muni stop

Reading The Sound and the Fury, by William Faulkner. Why? She wanted to read something good, and American.

Her favorite book of all time--Waiting for the Barbarians, by J. M. Coetzee, a South African writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2003. No further questions.
Description of barbarians or not, she was done waiting. Muni had arrived!

Have you read anything by J. M. Coetzee?


Unknown said...

Waiting for the Barbarians is excellent!

A'Parent said...

No. But I've heard him read his own work at San Jose University. Great voice and wonderful material.

Joe Pettis said...

That girl has some excellent taste in books. Both novels are amazing, but especially Waiting for the Barbarians.

I read it for a "Post-colonial" class, and it became one of my favorite books of all time.

I'd recommend it to anyone.

Disgrace is also another great novel by Coetzee