October 7, Tuesday evening -- Reading Yann Martel

Waiting for a friend

Reading Life of Pi, by Yann Martel.

Favorite book of all time -- Moby Dick, by Herman Melville. (I'm seeing a seafaring theme.) He likes books that tell you how to do things and give enough information so that you feel like you really could, say, go whaling.

His friend showed up with Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens. Her favorite book -- Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen.

What fiction have you read that gives detailed how-to descriptions?


bereweber said...

i like the idea of the how-to books, i am not sure if Diane Mott Davidson "culinary mysteries" will fit into this category. Her books are fun! they are little mystery novels or thrillers but since the main character is into the catering business, the book comes with some of the recipes for the dishes she cooks while solving murder mysteries, worth mentioning you always get hungry while reading them ;)

Barb said...

Life of Pi was exactly like that for me. The zoo life, the religion, and then the ending: worth all the time in the boat!

Anonymous said...

Gary Paulsen. I'm pretty sure it's Hatchet (way back from middle school) where the kid builds a raft. It's been a long time, though...

Anonymous said...

The Last Samurai, by Helen...? Life of Pi has to be one of the bestest books out there!