October 8, Wednesday afternoon -- Reading Jeffrey Toobin

Reading The Nine, by Jeffrey Toobin on his kindle.

Favorite book of all time -- Sarah, by J.T. Leroy.

Thoughts on J.T. LeRoy?


ezreader said...

JT LeRoy is my favorite author!!! And I found out about SARAH from my mom! I love JT LeRoy's work even more now that I know how creative the whole backstory is!!! Fiction is FICTION!!! And if someone loves a book - it shouldn't matter who or what wrote it. But I have to admit - I love it even more now!!! I don't need the media to tell me why I love a book or give me permission! LONG Live JT LEROY!!!

Unknown said...

SARAH and THE HEART IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS are classics of 21st-century American literature. We owe Laura Albert a true debt of gratitude for writing the JT LeRoy books. All the controversy will fade as her fiction takes its inevitable place of honor in the canon. In the meantime, we still her beautiful books...