November 2, Sunday evening -- Reading Matthew Polly

Eating sushi in the Castro
Reading American Shaolin, by Matthew Polly. It's a true story about a guy who drops out of Princeton to go practice martial arts in China. She's reading it because she studies martial arts too, and is planning a trip to China to do the same thing. And, also about China, she's reading a trilogy called Romance of the Three Kingdoms, by Luo Guanzhong -- a famous historical novel written in the 14th century. Here's a link to another reader, reading The Three Kingdoms.

Her favorite book -- The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros.

Do you read about the sports you practice?


ilove2shop said...

It's 'martial' arts.

Sonya Worthy said...

ay! I changed it. Thanks.

Diane Dehler said...

I like the "House on Mango Street" too.

Anonymous said...

I like to read books about bellydancing (not technique, so much as the dancers themselves). Snake Hips was good for this, and one day, I will finally read A Trade Like Any Other.

Anonymous said...

omg... now i hafta add romance of three kingdom to my collection. i didn't know there's an english version of it. stupid me made my husband tell the story hahhaah..