March 6, Friday evening -- Reading Nelson DeMille

Strolling through Golden Gate Park
His dad, who is an avid fiction reader, recommended this and he's on an hour walk-- 1/2 hr out and 1/2 hour back -- and will read the whole way. The book, he said, is pretty good, though, he'll forget everything after he reads it.

Usually he reads nonfiction, about Christianity. An author he recommends is C.S. Lewis., who was a theologian and Christian apologist. Apologetics is the activity of the church that goes about defending the church's beliefs.

Favorite book of all time -- East of Eden, by John Steinbeck, for the characters--the Trask and Hamilton families of Salinas.


Diane Dehler said...

Great photo. Have you see people walk in the rain with umbrella reading? It's not easy.

Heidi said...

I'm jealous! I wish I could walk and read at the same time! I've been reading your blog for a while now and am enjoying it immensely. I'm hoping to be in SF in May and hope to see all the people reading!