I'd like to announce

The release of All Good Things Die in L.A., by my good friend, college roommate, and fellow writers group member, Anhoni Patel.

I had the pleasure of reading her book in progress – I laughed and cried all the way through – and, two years later, I still very vividly remember the feeling of reading it, and wanting to hold her characters by the hand and tell them it’s going to be alright. It’s published in e-book form…. I’ll try to refrain from reading it at work! Anhoni is a story teller and her exuberance, empathy, and timing make her book, as my brother would say, gooooood.

Within the throes of All Good Things.... Maybe I should get a Kindle.


Liz Worthy said...

Yeah for Anhoni! I second the recommendation.

Anhoni Patel said...

wow...this is the best write-up I think I may ever get! Thank you so much Sonya.