July 12, Sunday night -- Reading W. Somerset Maugham

On Mission Street
Reading The Razor's Edge, by W. Somerset Maugham, which he picked up at home -- it's probably his housemate's girlfriend's. He recommends it if you're looking for something philosophical.

Favorite book -- probably something by Vonnegut.

If he were to write his own book -- it'd be fiction, maybe an account of a lucid dream he had recently, which involved destruction and healing.


Special K said...

my goodness - that photo shows just how cold it gets in SF in July!

Sonya Worthy said...

I don't remember it even being remarkably cold, but, yeah, I think I was wearing a hat, too.

What was remarkable about the walk was that I was on my way home from my sister's house and carrying a tent and a thermarest sleeping pad that she'd borrowed and I was stopped not once but twice to be asked, in referencene to the sleeping pad, which was clearly (I think) for camping, what yoga studio I was coming from. What was of interest was - where can I take a good late-Sunday night yoga class? This is the microclimate of the neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

which was clearly (I think) for camping, what yoga studio I was coming from. What was of interest was - where can I take a good late-Sunday night yoga class? This is the microclimate of the neighborhood!

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