Saturday, September 19 -- Reading Vargas Vila

At the corner of 24th Street and Mission
Reading La Republica Romana, by Vargas Vila.

We bonded. I asked him where he gets his books (I'd photographed him here before and he's always reading.) and he said, "la biblioteca." He wasn't quite sure I understood, but when I pulled my library card out of my wallet to show him that, yes, I did understand, and I had a card, was a very nice feeling.

1 Comment:

bereweber said...

oh Sonya! what a great post, that man seems very cool! and yes, i go to La Biblioteca too!

hope you come across more people like him, i keep on forwarding your blog to reading friends, everybody looooves your concept and your chase of readers on the streets, you do a wonderful work!

warm salutes from shaky San Diego!