It had just started pouring rain when I looked through the window of this Chinese restaurant in North Beach
Reading Ring World, by Larry Niven. His brother recommended it to him 20 years ago.
This year he’s planning on reading 100 books. Last year he read 35 in the second half of the year so he thinks it’s feasible, even though he works during the day and is getting a degree in Philosophy at night. He has a reputation for reading all the time. In fact, in his work profile picture he has a book in front of his face.
His favorite author is Umberto Eco, who he likes for his style, but he also likes Hemingway, even though, stylistically, he's very different. When he reads Eco he keeps a dictionary at his side.
Other books he’s read this year –
Demian by Hermann Hesse and the play Long Day's Journey Into Night, by Eugene O'Neill, which was completed in 1940, and published in 1956, three years after O'Neill died, but in Eugene O'Neill's will, it read that the play -- which was about his dysfunctional family -- was not supposed to be published until after he died, becuase it might hurt his family. In 1957 Eugene O'Neill received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for the play.
If he were going to write his own book, it would be fictional, about a war, and dark.
My brother recommended
Ring World to me 4 years ago. Maybe I'll wait another 16 years.
1 Comment:
I recommend you wait 17 more years. Umberto Eco is interesting, but he writes in itallian, so, I always wonder how much of the writing style is a result of the translation. Maybe he should write a book in english. But I suppose he would have to think it in itallian, and then translate that into english. so...
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