August 23rd, Monday evening -- Reading James McManus

At the Saint Francis Soda FountainWaiting for his burger, reading Cowboy's Full: The Story of Poker, by James McManus, which his parents gave him last Christmas. He's a pretty good Poker player, though doesn't like playing at Casinos.

Something good he's read recently -- Under the Banner of Heaven, by John Krakauer. He'd read Krakauer's other books Into Thin Air and Into the Wild, before that one.

If he were to write his own book, it'd be about a wilderness area near where he grew up. He's tried to find books about it, but there are none, so he'd write his own, researching about the land when it was the Native Americans, to the time when the grizzlies were killed, to the time when a road was built through it, then abandoned, and buildings begun, then abandoned.