December 29, Wednesday evening -- Reading Katherine Howe

At Elixir, a bar on 16th Street
In the light of a candle, reading The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, by Katherine Howe, which she got for Christmas. It's a mystery about the Salem witch trials. It's good, she said, but over-descriptive. It was recommended by one of two friends who she reads books in tandem with, such as The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón and a young adult series called The Huger Games, by Suzanne Collins. You can watch a video of the author read a chapter of one of the Hunger Games books, Mocking Jay, at the Scholastic website.

Her favorite books of all time are The Aeneid, by Virgil (she's a high school Latin teacher); the Harry Potter Series, by J.K. Rowling; Corelli's Mandolin, by Louis de Bernières; and East of Eden, by John Steinbeck. She may have mentioned another favorite, but I can't remember, even though, back at my table, I was given a no-longer-needed Christmas list (of what to give whom) to take notes on. I page down the list I see, next to the name Amelia, the word snuggie, with a question mark after it. Thermos is also listed and has a check next to it.