At Park Güell, a theme park of Gaudi buildings and sculpture on a hillside with views of Barcelona
Her favorite book (actually books) is Het Bureau by J.J. Voskuil, which is in 4 volumes of about 700 pages each. She said it took about a half a year to read it. She reads at least 2 hours a day on her commute and doesn't read as much on vacation, though managed to catch a quiet moment here. I'm not actually sure what it's about because I had to go before we talked about it, and I couldn't find any information (in English) about it on the Internet.
On a park bench out of the way of the tourists and vendors, reading, in German, Der Schatten des Windes (The Shadow of the Wind), by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, a Barcelona author. I've written about this book several times and was excited to see it here in Barcelona because I'd considered re-reading it for this trip.
In the words of Paul Klindt (taken from my dogeared usa blog) -- It’s
about a little boy who is taken to a repository of lost books and
is allowed to pick out one book. He reads it and wants to read
everything by the author, but, throughout history (the book takes you
from the Spanish Civil War to contemporary times), something happens
each time he gets near a book, like an earthquake.Her favorite book (actually books) is Het Bureau by J.J. Voskuil, which is in 4 volumes of about 700 pages each. She said it took about a half a year to read it. She reads at least 2 hours a day on her commute and doesn't read as much on vacation, though managed to catch a quiet moment here. I'm not actually sure what it's about because I had to go before we talked about it, and I couldn't find any information (in English) about it on the Internet.
hola Sonya, what a wonderful trip you are taking, I love Barcelona, a great city huh? I've read Carlos Ruiz Zafón's La Sombra del Viento, I read it in Spanish, is a great book!! it describes one of the best places in literature I've read about, he calls it 'El cementerio de los libros olvidados' something like the Cemetery of the Forgotten Books, it's a great and obscure thriller! So funny to see the name in German, hope you keep on having a great time and so great to read what People Are Reading in Spain now!
Thanks for your comment! Here's a website with a Barcelona walking tour of the book if you want to virtually revisit the places in the book.
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