January 4, 2014, Saturday afternoon -- Reading David Foster Wallace

In the Mission District, waiting for a friend and reading Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, a book of short stories by David Foster Wallace.
Thinking of a certain someone's ongoing reading of Infinite Jest, I asked him if he'd read all of David Foster Wallace's books and he said no, but that he had read Infninite Jest last summer.
I had more questions, but his friend, also on bicycle arrived.


bereweber said...

wow this kid is my hero, I always try to read Infinite Jest and drop it :( not sure if its my eyes that hurt, my brain, or my arm from the weight of the book... I'd love to read this Foster Wallace book as well, maybe it's an easy task than Infinite Jest...

Sonya Worthy said...

I might try to read this book, too, maybe sort of as a gateway to DFW. I've never read anything by him and my dad and sister talk about his writing all the time.