July 16, 2014, Wednesday afternoon -- Reading about Islamic laws

In the heat of the afternoon, with no shade (in Antwerp, Belgium, where I'm on vacation)
He is reading about the Islamic laws on, among other topics, Ramadan, which he is now observing.   He told me how Muslims should not spend the money for pilgrimages if they should instead be spending the money on taking care of their parents or on other obligations.  He was happy to tell me about the pillars of Islam.  I was happy to listen until the heat got to be too much for me...and I was not even the one observing Ramadan. 


Anonymous said...

Nice story! But I know you aren't in Belgium right now because you took my picture on Tuesday in the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam ;-)

Sonya Worthy said...

Yep, it's true -- I was in Antwerp, Belgium on July 16 (see date on top of post), then I was in Brussels, then Amsterdam, then Tampere, Finland, and now am in France : ). More pictures to come. Thanks for letting me take your photo!