July 31, 2014, Thursday morning -- Reading Tom Sharpe and Haruki Murakami

Enjoying the morning sunshine (in Cannes, France, where I'm on vacation)
--> She is reading Le gang des megeres inaprivoisees (in English, I think the novel is The Gropes), by the British author, Tom Sharpe.  She chose it because it fits the description of books she likes -- funny and eccentric.  Her favorite authors are Marcel Proust and Haruki Murakami.  He is reading Danse, Danse, Danse (Dance, Dance, Dance), by Murakami, because he likes Murakami books.  He also likes other Japanese authors, as well, including Soseki, Mishima, and Inoue, and he really likes Guy de Montpassant and Charles Dickens, too.

1 Comment:

alex said...

Il est tres ensoleille dans la plage. Les livres sont sablonneux maintenant.