July 24, Friday afternoon -- Reading Hugh Trevor-Roper

In the Financial District
Reading The Last Days of Hitler, by Hugh Trevor-Roper, specifically, a part about the corruption of Hitler's doctors. What about the doctors, I'm not sure. He stopped mid-sentence when someone walked by and tried to steal my lunch, which I'd abandoned on the neighboring table. (Half of a three-salad combo meal, which included these amazing lentils soaked in balsamic with baby spinach. thanks, by the way, if you see this.)

A book he recommends -- Rain of Gold, by Victor Villasenor, whose name he kept confusing with Sonia Sotomayor (same meter to the names). The book is a Mexican family saga that he began to describe with detail and enthusiasm, but again, he was cut short. I wish I could record his words right here, but, I can't. I needed stuff my half finished lunch in my bag and run back to work.