March 13, Saturday night -- Reading David Weiss

During the intermission of Writers with Drinks, a monthly literary series
Reading To the Tune of a Welcoming God, by David Weiss. It's a book of essays and hymns which brings light to how gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered should be welcome in the church. The author is Lutheran, however, he speaks to those outside of his religious tradition as well.

Her favorites -- A Haunted House and Other Short Stories, by Virginia Woolf, and Operating Instructions: A Journal Of My Son’s First Year, by Anne Lamott.


Patty said...

Interesting book selection, I've only read the Virginia Woolf one but I'll check the others out, thanks for posting!

Ellen said...

Ode to books!

pilgrimchick said...

I like that book choice--I wish more people knew about it, actually.