March 9, Wednesday afternoon -- Reading Karen Armstrong

Waiting for the streetcar
Reading Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life, by one of his favorite authors, Karen Armstrong, a former Roman Catholic nun who writes with attention to both Eastern and Western religions.

His favorite book of all time -- The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You, by Dorothy Bryant, which he's read about twenty times. When he reads it he feels inspired to live his own life. The book is an allegory of spiritual growth and shows how we need dreams to live.

In this picture, while he's making the hand gesture he's saying, "you've just got to read this."


andrew said...

hi sonya -- fun to meet you today. thanks for my 15 minutes of warholian fame. i also read and read again "shikasta" by doris lessing. and you can view what i write at
many thanks, hope to see you again. andrew

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